What Makes Racism Progress in the World?
When we think about racism, in most cases we imagine America and what is more surprising, the developed and powerful America which it is today. Many people associate racism with disliking or mistreating of black people based on their color of skin while this definition would be wrong. In fact, racism can take many forms and affect people throughout the world: it makes it harder to get the job and just be a part of the society due to your color or nation. In this article, we will talk briefly about all these forms of racism taking place today and their consequences.
Basic types of racism
Racism is based on assumptions, stereotypes, superstitions and generalizations associated with people who have a different skin color. These people often have a status of inferiors and are being cut on power, resources and many opportunities that the modern world can give. Even now, when we all try to avoid racism in our everyday life, some politicians and journalists promote such ideas to justify their actions and views on different issues. It mainly includes job and house problems, and crime.
We can differentiate such kinds of racism as:
- Harassment. This is an abuse (verbal or physical) motivated by differences in race which can lead to attacks on people and property. This threatening behavior can happen anywhere: school, college, work, public transport and places, in the street and even home. It turns people into victims;
- Attacks. You have probably faced these headings in the news when black people are attacked and even killed just for being black, etc. Police can be powerless when it comes to investigation.
Another kind is the so-called institutional racism when people suffer from it just because racism is integrated in the society structure: legal system, police, business, etc. It is explained like the failure to provide an appropriate and professional service to some people because of their skin color or origin. It can be noticed in behavior, attitude, and be explained by prejudice, thoughtlessness and ignorance. Racism doesn’t mean disliking someone: it is a hierarchic system of taking advantage of the race.
Many people (mainly white ones) underestimate the depth of the problem and thus don`t understand the consequences it may have for a larger system. There are seven factors of racism:
- Categories organizing people into particular groups;
- Segregation. It forms racist preferences, perceptions and beliefs;
- Fractions. They trigger loyalty and competition in group keeping white and black communities separated (this is based on historical reasons);
- Hierarchy. It makes people behave, feel and think like a racist;
- Power. It makes racism legal on micro and macro levels;
- Passivism. Not noticing or denying racism existence encourages other people to do the same;
- Media. It tends to idealize white people thus minimizing the colored people.
Passive racism is probably one of the most common and dangerous because people just don`t care. Discussions on this topic are particularly relevant today. Now scientists carry out a number of experiments to show people that the bodies of Black people are just the same as white and there is no difference between them. However, every person should try to change their negative attitude to help the world overcome the racism pandemic and become a better united society.