How to write a movie review
Movie review is a general outlook on a film, which contains information about the director, the characters and the plot. It should not be too emotional, yet render personal feelings. What you should know about this kind of review is that your audience wants to be hooked.
You can choose the title that appeals to you most – just make sure your introduction is compelling and argumentative at the same time. When writing a movie review, don’t hide your thoughts from the readers. We have often encountered a movie review where it is unclear if the author loves the film or finds it repellent. You have to be clear about personal preferences, and even if the review is positive, support your ideas with reasonable statements. This way, you demonstrate respect for the readers and attention to detail, allowing you to talk about characters specifically.
Movie review preparation
Before you sit down to write a review, gather as much information about the film as possible. It doesn’t matter whether you do it before or after watching – just make sure you know the director’s name and the cast is familiar. You will need this information as you are going to weave it into the body of the review.
We tend to ignore minor details and concentrate on the plot instead, so we recommend you to carry a notebook every time you prepare for a movie review assignment. In case you notice something that catches your attention, you can put it down and read it later. You can also generate ideas about the film that can be relevant to the character’s storyline. There is no need to be in a hurry when you are making notes. All you have to do is write down the patterns and clichés that were present, and point out the positive sides of the movie as well.
Plot analysis
There is no need to stress the importance of the plot and its influence on the character’s arc. However, if you want to become a professional reviewer, you have to leave the story behind for a while. What do we mean?
Plot is a single element of the movie and you have to go above and beyond to satisfy the viewers. Even if the film obviously lacks action scenes, it doesn’t deserve to be labeled as bad, and vice versa – special effects do not make a horrible scene. Weak dialogue does.
If you decide to create a movie review, based on your impressions, remember to include the following details:
- Whether the film is full of color or has a dull, dark edge to it, do not forget to mention the influence of the said effects on the audience. You may be surprised to discover how opinions vary on the same scene, and yet feel free to voice your own view.
- Tone. The tone of the film is basically the mood and the emotions actors and directors managed to evoke while shooting. The tone of the movie depends on its genre. If you have no idea about cinematography and the way it renders feelings, gather background information first.
- Music. Soundtrack is a vital part of any movie, and you cannot skip that point while writing. Try to be subjective and do not fall into the trap of underestimating the film based on the music alone. The honorable mention should be made, and in case you know the composer, put the name as well.
- Cast is the body of the movie, so you have to pay attention to the way actors behave on screen. The interaction between the characters may keep the plot alive, and movies with excellent cast do not always receive highest awards. By analyzing the acting, you invite your readers to participate in the discussion.
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