Compare and contrast essay. How to write
How do you choose a subject?
If you think that a compare and contrast essay is a bit complex for your understanding, you will certainly need practice to wrap your mind around the details. We will help you find the right argument and choose the perfect theme for your future essay.
First, you should remember that picking a subject is no easy work. It usually comprises of several stages, and you will have to:
- Choose a category. Your subjects can be on the same level, yet feature differences that are worth discussion. For example, you can get away with the food topic, comparing homemade foods and takeaway. These subjects lie within the same category, but are not exactly identical.
- Find a contrast. You can be creative with your theme and search for something that seems ridiculous to compare at first, but later turns out to be a sensation. Take the subject that you are really excited about, as it will help you collect as much information on it as possible.
- Opt for the easy. Do not choose complicated topics unless you are a professional in the specified field. If it is your first compare and contrast essay, start with the common topics, which will later develop into a meaningful composition. Your narrative should be readable and easy to follow, or your audience will doze off before conclusion!
- Think of the books and movies. If you are enrolled in a creative course, you can choose to write about a book and its screen adaptation. For example, you are in love with the Lord of the Rings trilogy and have sufficient argument to prove its screen version does not meet the original criteria. This way, you are allowed to compare and contrast without being too emotional or subjective.
Deep reasoning and credibility
Selecting themes out of the blue does not guarantee excellent structure and style. Instead of pointing out benefits and flaws, choose a debatable topic to dwell upon and expand it by using argument, reasoning and critical approach.

Low angle view from the back of the computer of a businessman typing on a laptop computer keyboard in a retro vintage toned image.
One of the most common mistakes students make while writing a compare and contrast essay is their inability to make a good point. To avoid this and keep your readers on the edges of their chairs, you should apply certain creative techniques.
To enhance your writing performance, start with the question “why”. It helps you find the right argument and provide substantial proof to the target audience, in other words, you give them reason for further reading. Be ready to defend your work and think of other contrasting subjects that you might use as an example.
Organizing and structure
Structuring a compare and contrast essay is a complex task, especially if you have several points to consider, but we advise you to choose a proper organization depending on your ideas. For a better performance, you might apply the following principles:
- Subject by subject. This is the most common technique as it comprises consecutive argumentation and is clear and concise. You do not jump between the topic and the overall organization is on point, as you adhere to the logical structure of an essay. The main flaw to this system lies in the paragraphs, which sometimes lack cohesiveness and look like a solid text.
- Point by point. You can use this type of structure if you have enough arguments at your disposal and need a strong conclusion to keep your readers interested. You should, however, read your essay twice because point by point papers are often filled with minor errors and misinterpretations due to the complex structure.
- Compare and contrast. This is easily the most convenient technique as it allows you to switch between the topics without getting confused. First, you describe the similarities and emphasize on the importance of the theme. Later, you point out the differences and outline the contrast between two subjects. It is a good organizational option for those, who are not sure they can handle point by point essay thoroughly.