Computer science as a significant scientific field of the Informational Age
Computer science is comparatively young; its foundations were established during the development and invention of the up-to-date digital computer. Thus, this study comprises theory, experimental branch and engineering part that shape the basis of the computer design and its usage.
Therefore, theoretical approach of the computer science includes specification of the common factors of information creation, its modification, transferring, representation, usage and storage in different spheres of human activities.
Practical part covers the development of the effective methods and procedures (algorithms) for the information process fulfillment, which optimize scientific communication within the science or between science and production. In other words it is the scientific field that deals with the theoretical and practical parts of automating of the algorithmic processes, namely computation and design of computational systems.
Contribution to the society and science
Being a young science with the short history, computer science has made a real breakthrough and contribution to the current period in history of human life called the Informational Age. Thus, computer science brought Informational revolution with the Internet, programming languages, computer graphics and artificial intelligence. All these things stimulate our life to change in high gear and bring a lot of innovations to all spheres and sciences.
Types of papers that can be requested for sale
Academic works in computer science are mostly practical assignments. However, there can be theoretical reports concerning history and development of computer science as a field of study, classification into different fields or assessments of its contribution into the science and society. Preparation of these reports requires theoretical processing of the information with no practical application of the skills.
Practical papers and assignments can have a different level of complexity. The most primitive and uncomplicated papers are the following:
- Slides for PowerPoint presentation. Usually this task requires no deep knowledge in the subject, so it can be performed within short deadlines for a moderate price. Thus you can request a presentation of a high quality with effects of any complexity and receive the accomplished work only in a couple of days.
- Data base creation. The task can be performed in different programs. Data base creation starts with its design with the name and primary keys and external keys. All this takes much of time so the work can be prepared at the average during the period of 5 days.
- Programming in different programming languages. This task requires the knowledge and skills of using different programming languages, such as ?++, Basic, VB, VBA, Delphi, Pascal, Java, ERwin, BPwin etc. Sometimes such tasks can be a starter for the term paper or the graduation work.