Why excessive perfectionism can harm you in college
Very often perfectionism is perceived as a good trait of a character, and it is no wonder, as you do a thorough job, get good grades and receive recognition from your professors and your peers. However, perfectionism for some students can become a significant obstacle in a learning process and a student might not be able to uncover all his potential fully. We will have a closer look at this harmful tendency, in order to make it work for your benefit.
Perfectionism as an obsession
We live in the competitive world and constantly comparing ourselves with others. Everyone wants to be better than peers, and overzealous striving for getting the best results can bring not so positive outcome. There is nothing bad in pursuit of excellence, but if it becomes an obsession, that is where the problem starts. Getting extremely upset over one minor mistake or not getting the highest grade in the class is very stressful and frustrating. And that is not something that facilitates productive studying process.
Decision to start fighting bad habit is a job half done
If you concluded that you are predisposed to the negative influence of your extreme desire to be the best in everything, you need to start dealing with it.
Let’s face it, that’s not going to be easy, and you will need to have a lot of patience and determination. However, if you start working on your bad habit now, in a few months time you will see the results. You will learn how to deal with setbacks and challenges constructively, which, in its turn, will make you happier and, most importantly, more academically productive.
Dealing with the unhealthy perfectionism
You need to realize that making a mistake is okay, as we are all human beings and have a right to be imperfect sometimes. Even greatest professionals make errors and may not achieve the expected maximum all the time. Mistakes are great, as you can learn from them, and this will bring you success next time you try. Make an accent on your achievements instead of dwelling and getting frustrated over pitfalls. You are worthy not because of your accomplishments, but because of who you are. Even more, people might still like you even more, as they will see that you are not unbeatable high-achiever, but an imperfect human-being as they are.
Indeed, the process of beating the unhealthy perfectionism and turning it into your advantage will be challenging. But if you do it in small steps, you will surely reach your goal. Let yourself slightly relax in your frantic run for best grades and try being more laid back. You do not always have to be perfect. Very often good is more than enough. Remember this next time you get frustrated and have an urge to criticize yourself. Just realize that you are a wonderful human being no matter what, and then your pursuit of excellence will bring you only joy.
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