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Edusson.com: Can You Trust This Service?

We continue reviewing academic writing services and today the object of our interest is Edusson.com. Every smart student knows that reading a custom essay writing service review before ordering is a must! Check the following article to know everything about Edusson.

The service’s website is pretty clear and convenient. You will find information about the company's key features, writers, and benefits on the main page. There are no bulks of useless text here, everything looks neat and convenient. They have a writing blog filled with helpful guides for students and hiring offers for academic writers. The company promises to boost your grades, but be aware that they won’t take any responsibility for the mark you will receive for your paper. As a rule, writing companies claim that they don't guarantee that you will get an A and this is an honest approach – the outcome depends on too many factors they cannot control. However, at Edusson.com we see a nice marketing hook.

Services offered

Here you can order standard writing and editing services. We didn’t find any exotic services, everything is pretty simple: essays, term papers, research papers. The list of subjects is not very impressive as well. You won’t find anything like Engineering or Astronomy here, but you are welcome to request help with your History, Biology, or Literature paper. The website cannot boast of too many technical disciplines to order.

How much does it cost?

You won't find a price list here, but an approximate rate for your order can be viewed on the order page. However, to get to the price calculator, you will need to register and log in first. There is no opportunity to check the price before you do that. Once you send your request, the company's writers start bidding to write it. You are welcome to choose one of them. The profiles are viewable, so you can check their background and rating before hiring. Premium and Platinum writers compose papers for the higher price. The price for your work will start from $9.99. The rate will grow if your paper is urgent or advanced (university level).

Our ordering experience

Evaluating the quality of a paper we received from Edusson, we can say that it was mediocre. This was a Philosophy project, 5 days, 3 pages, a college degree. We heard the rumors that this company hires writers from Russia and Kenia to pay less for their work. We didn't believe those rumors before, but now we are pretty sure that this might be the truth. Grammar, punctuation, and stylistic mistakes appeared in every second sentence. As for the content, we believe that a writer read the sources honestly, but he didn't show any understanding – no fresh thoughts and ideas, just quotations and comments. Of course, when you pay for a paper you want it to be awesome. A lame paper full of mistakes is something you can do yourself.

Customer Support

The Customer Support team at Edusson.com works well. They answer the phone calls immediately, do everything to help you fast, and their tone is polite. We’ve had no problems with the Customer Support team and conclude that they do work 24/7 and care about customers’ requests.

FAQ Edusson.com

Is Edusson.com legit?

In general, yes, this site works legally, but there are some nuances. First of all, it is important to understand that most essay writing services are legal. Otherwise they simply cannot offer their services and make money. Unfortunately, among the best essay writing service reviews, you can find negative reviews about this site that have nothing to do with its legality. Users complain about the poor quality of the written works and the neglectful attitude towards clients. Of course, legality is an important factor. Even though many writing services work legally, but not all of them provide high-quality results.

Is Edusson.com safe?

Many clients are concerned about the safety of essay writing companies. This site cannot be classified as safe because the number of customer complaints makes you question its reputation. Of course, in general, it has its privacy policy and promises users that their personal information will be protected. As a rule, such services are rarely dangerous in terms of personal data leakage because they are not an area that is surrounded by increased attention from hackers or fraudsters. Still, customers should be careful while choosing a writing company and thoroughly examine the payment methods offered on the site.

Are Edusson.com writers native?

Unfortunately, there are doubts about whether the authors of this site are native English speakers. Many customers point to many unacceptable mistakes in the texts, which could not be made by a native speaker. The authors make poor-quality content that does not meet many academic requirements and grammar rules. Of course, the website says that they provide professional help in writing essays and other student papers. Still customers get papers full of mistakes. The illiteracy of the authors greatly reduces the rating of the site and spoils its reputation. Indeed, if you want to get qualified help, then think several times before using this service.

Can you get caught using an Edusson.com writing service?

Yes, it can happen because the authors are being unscrupulous in their duties. A common complaint from clients is also the presence of plagiarism in works. Authors disregard grammatical rules and violate the uniqueness of texts, which makes them completely unsuitable for presentation in an educational institution. Unfortunately, this is quite common on this site. The client should be careful not to get into an embarrassing situation. It is better to check the work yourself because you will be able to detect mistakes in time and point them out to the author.


There are certain inconveniences with Edusson.com. First, you have no chance to check the price and compare it to other websites before you log in. However, do you really need an account with them if you are not sure that their rates satisfy you? Guess, not. Second, chances are that you will stumble at a non-English (or American) writer. Paying an additional fee for a Premium helper, you will reduce this risk. At the same time, why should you pay more for good quality? In general, we cannot recommend Edusson.com as a writing option.

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Service Reviews

1 5 1
very bad account treats their writers badly, don't considers writers side when there is an issue and drop of composite score without a reason

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