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USEssayWriters.com Service – What’s Strange about This Company?
USEssayWriter.com establishes itself as a reliable service with writing experts from the USA and the United Kingdom, who are available to produce 100% plagiarism-free papers for affordable prices. Well, this is the right approach to catch the attention of potential customers, but is it really good service to order an excellent paper there? Check out all our findings below!
Structure of USEssayWriters.com
At first glance, the structure of this website is the strangest thing. The service doesn’t strain credibility as we have problems with navigation. We found here the information that isn’t relevant, many sections are empty so we can’t understand for sure which services USEssayWriter.com offers. At the bottom of the website, we found a list of possible works the company's team can write for customers. We tried to get to know more about every kind of work. Unfortunately, we got no additional information about it, as the administration, probably, thinks potential clients are very busy to read about it.
The second strange thing about USEssayQriters.com is its approach to explain to customers how the company creates its team. Due to the company, the top 2% of experts are ready to write an essay. The process of writer’s testing described there is sophisticated and incomprehensible. It can confuse clients. It seems the company wants to get this reaction – a customer doesn't want to lose time on reading the complicated explanation and decides to place an order, relying on bright words about high quality and professionalism.
How to Order on USEssayWriters.com?
There is an «Order now» button on the website. It asks customers to provide full name, e-mail, the phone number to make an account, where a client can manage orders. The service doesn’t offer an online calculator through which one can check the price of the order, based on emergency, length and level of difficulty. We think this is a weakness of the service. The company presents itself as a nontransparent company.

Prices for writing start from $17,55 per page, for editing – from $11,70 per page, for proofreading – from $9,96 per page. We think these services are not affordable for everyone because prices are very high here. The quality of the service is definitely ambiguous, so we don’t recommend to order papers here and pay for them such a high price.
There is no information here about additional services, such as plagiarism reports, notifications, etc. USEssayWriters.com proposes free revisions to its customers, but we couldn’t find what is the deadline for this option and how much attempts the customers can give their writers to change the content.
Paper Formatting
We believe the company restricts customers with the paper format. They note that writers use double or single spacing, one-inch margins and Times New Roman font (12 pt). There is no word about the individualized approach that is very important for services that promise to execute any order with high quality. We don’t trust the companies that always work using the predetermined instructions.
Customer Support
USEssayWriters.com offers 24/7 support, but sometimes it takes a lot of time to contact them. The service has a live chat, a phone number and e-mails via which customers can reach them. We contacted them via e-mail. We got the answer in 30 minutes. It’s quite time-consuming, so the customer support service should be more improved.
The service doesn’t provide answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQ). It seems the company doesn’t appreciate its time, so how they can appreciate the time of their customers?
Based on all weaknesses of USEssayWriters.com we can’t recommend customers to place any orders there. This company still has a lot of work to do in order to boost its rating and position itself as a reliable, transparent writing service. The prices of USEssayWriters.com are too high and don’t fit the quality of the content. We recommend students to find another company, where they can be satisfied with the quality of the paper for sure.
USEssayWriters.com FAQ
Is USEssayWriters legit?
The company is legit since it operates on the market and is not blocked by security services. The legislation of almost all countries does not impose any restrictions on the business processes of such services, so they are legitimate.
However, you need to check whether this service is quite reliable to ensure that you will not encounter any legal problems by using them. Do this carefully before placing your order.
The first thing that you will need to check is the attitudes of the company towards plagiarism. Many essay companies of such type provide their clients with plagiarism reports. So they can be sure about the legitimacy of all the papers received here that the platform they are using is strictly against plagiarism.
However, you will not find a word about plagiarism reports on this site, so we can assume that the company may potentially sell a paper done for you to someone else. That imposes a big threat on your academic career because plagiarism is severely punished in almost all educational institutions all over the world.
Is USEssayWriters safe?
The specific layout of this website does not ensure that it is completely safe to use this online service. There are some problems with navigation, and some information is not relevant. Many sections are left empty, and it is not persuasive for the site that claims to provide a wide range of services. There is no detailed information about all the services which are provided, so you cannot trust the platform to the fullest.
You cannot be sure either about the confidentiality and safety of your sensitive information because you do not know whether the site is reliably encrypted. When you press the button ‘Order Now,’ you need to provide a lot of information to create an account. You cannot check to who this information may be available. If some third parties just use the essays again, it is one side of the coin connected mostly with the risk of plagiarism. And if there will be some representative of your educational institution who is authorized to check who of the students is using essay writing services? You can be severely punished if detected in this way and even dismissed from your college because all academic staff in any institution strictly opposes students’ using such services.
Are USEssayWriters writers native?
They do not seem so. The company, however, claims that all the writers are Americans with the highest academic qualifications. And then, they start explaining in a long paragraph how they test and qualify their authors. If you read this paragraph attentively enough, you will notice that all the process means that only 2% of all the authors are native English speakers. It is also seen when you get the completed order. You may see such mistakes there, which are impossible for a native speaker.
Moreover, some customers usually complain about situations when they ask for editing and revision, their authors may be offline, and their request may be rejected. So, they had to edit their paper on their own. It does not seem like a perfect quality of service, does it?
Of course, if you are a non-native speaker, such a situation can be quite beneficial for you because your professor knows that your mastery of English is far from perfect. The only thing is that you need a professional non-native speaking author who could provide good content for the paper anyway. It does not seem here that all the writers have their academic degrees. It looks like many of them are just students who are learning now how to write properly.
Can you get caught using a USEssayWritres writing service?
As a matter of fact, you cannot be caught while using a service like this. If the platform is reliably protected and encrypted, there is no fear that some third party can enter it, detect your confidential information, and if it is a representative of your academic institution, blame you for cheating. However, you can never know with online writing services like this.
That is why, if you have decided to place your order here, be sure that you have provided as little personal information as possible. You can use your nicknames, some invented information, or just leave the gaps blank if it is allowed. Remember that you will need to check whether all the rights to your paper are transferred to you immediately after you have paid for the paper and make sure that you have changed the author’s name in the file's title.
Not to be caught red-handed, it is always good advice to look through the paper attentively and learn what it is all about. Then, you will be able to answer your professor’s questions, and they will never guess that you have used a writing service.
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